Illuminati as an Organization:
There are thirty-six ranks in the Illuminati, with each rank containing the same number of members as the level of the rank. This mean that:
At the 1st rank, there is only 1 member. He is the SUPREME GRAND MASTER and controls all the lodges in a particular region/state.
At the 2nd rank, there are 2 members. These are the GRAND MASTERS. They act on behalf of the Supreme Grand Master on several occasions and usually represent the Supreme Grand Master on affairs that concern the Illuminati.
At the 3rd rank, are 3 members. These are SUPREME MASTERS, and they oversee instructions passed by the Grand Masters.
At the 4th rank we have the 4 MASTERS… At the 5th rank we have 5 HIGH LORDS
It goes on until the 36th rank with 36 members. This means that at every lodge, there are constantly 666 Illuminati members.
Historical Origins:
The original Illuminati was a Bavarian secret society founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. It aimed to promote Enlightenment ideals and secularism, advocating for reason and rational thought.
Structure and Goals:
The Illuminati has a hierarchical structure with various degrees of initiation. Its goals include opposing religious influence over public life, promoting gender equality, and fostering education and scientific knowledge.
Modern Conspiracy Theories:
Since the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the term “Illuminati” has been widely used in conspiracy theories alleging that a powerful secret society controls world events and aims to establish a New World Order by supressing the public, governments, financial systems, and popular culture. Despite the widespread belief in these conspiracy theories, the Illuminati debunks these claims, as conquering the world has never been a goal of the Illuminati. The Illuminati rather seek to help lives for the advancement of the human species.
For many years, the outside world has wondered who or what the Illuminati, with some going to the extent of coming up with conspiracy theories, which most times happen to be incorrect. With you having interest in becoming one of us, it is only fair to lecture you about what the Illuminati really is.
We are the inciters, agitators, pathfinders, trailblazers, and luminaries, and we are here to provide a safe space for all in search of the light. We are an elite organization of leaders, innovators, artists, commoners, and other influential members of this planet. By bringing together people from all walks of life to choose the part of life they desire, we tend to unite influencers of all political, religious, and geographical backgrounds to further the prosperity of human species. Although many of our operations require anonymity for the security of our members, we strive to create a better understanding between us and the people we have being assigned to protect making the Testament of reality and success realized.
The Illuminati doesn’t seek to convert anyone to someone/something they are not. Neither are we world conquerors who seek dominion. The Illuminati is just people like you do a lot of good for themselves and their communities by developing abilities and self awareness to live life on terms that brings good fortune.
Our mission is to educate the public on what legitimate Illuminati is, but also importantly; to address the misconceptions that exist in the world because of the “New World Order panic”. Every single day, we have the opportunity to examine our own lives and make it better. Here at the Illuminati, we encompass all public aspects of human growth and citizen outreach to the entire world. Through various programs and initiatives, followers and members of Illuminati discover their role in Illuminati’s universal objectives.
In summary, Illuminati is an organization that promotes brotherhood, charity, moral and spiritual development, and civic virtue among its members. Its goals and aims are centred around personal growth, enlightenment, and service to others, guided by principles of integrity, tolerance, and compassion.
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